“Eastward Ho!”

So I’m moving to the big smoke in two weeks time – East Dulwich in South East London to be precise – and instead of packing I’ve been making pretty things for my room. Call it an avoidance exercise if you like. Everything for my old room has had a blue/cream/green theme, whereas I appear to be introducing shades of pink. But I’m hoping that it’ll all come together and look homely, if not eclectic. At any rate, this might be the last of my blogging and crafting for a while as I’m bound to discover that, on leaving the family nest, I can’t afford to pay for internet connection or heating, so I’ll be too cold to knit and unable to access my blog! It’s important to have these life experiences, right?!  But I’ll see you anon, when I may have left behind my country ways and converted into a true Londoner…

5 thoughts on ““Eastward Ho!”

  1. Hello! The picture is from my favourite place in all the world – Tenby North beach in Wales at about 6 o’clock in the morning, just after sunrise.

    In other news I have actually started knitting, so a cafetiere cosy should be swinging this way shortly. Or not shortly at all, because I’m bound to drop all my stitches and misread the pattern in dramatic style.

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